1. SvansteinSki New Member

    Speed, adrenaline & smell of gasoline takes over the SnowPark of Svanstein in a HillCross type of snowmobile contest.

    SnowPark will be specially modified with local racers to the event. Step-ups, kickers, fast turns + many different special shapes coming.

    The competition goes trough with one by one take offs --> Winners goes forward to the next takeoff! First takeoffs picked with lottery.

    Come and see who are the winners of this challenging competition! Contest is held right next to the main building and the restaurants are open.

    Event timetable:
    09.00 – 14.00 the registration
    16.00 – 17.00 Warm up
    17.20 – 17.50 Ladies open serie starts
    17.50 – 18.40 Mens open serie starts
    19.00 – 19.30 Ladies finals
    19.30 – 20.00 Mens Finals
    21.00 - 21.15 Award Ceremony at Panorama Restaurant

    After sled coming up to Bars of Svanstein Ski!

    (We hold rights for possible changes in the timetable and program. More accurate info coming closer the event)

    Also SnowFlakes -shop at event area. Come and make snowmobile gear shopping!

    Take part to the photo/video contest:

    Take photo/video and add it to Instagram or Facebook with hashtag #snomoparkderby. Judges goes trough the hashtag at 1.3.2016 and pick their favorite photo/video.

    Winner gets 500kr Voucher to Svanstein Ski!


    Are you the winner of SnoMo Park Derby?

    Let us know:
    Name, age, sled technical info, need for accommodation

    Competitors take part to the contest with their own risk and it is competitors own responsibility to have insurance that covers possible accidents.

    To get in to the comp: 200kr (All moneys goes to the winner/series!)

    Also other nice prices that can be used in Svanstein Ski! Vouchers for food, lift tickets etc.

    More: https://www.facebook.com/events/151623098552911/

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